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Born to walk – Integrative & Functional Bodywork Modul I

11. März 2022 - 13. März 2022


Zielgruppe: Physiotherapeuten, Ärzte, Osteopathen, Medizinische Bademeister und Masseure
Datum: 11.03.2022 – 13.03.2022
Kurszeiten: Fr-So 09:00 – 18:00 h
Ort: r.o.m.b.u.s. Akademie Saarbrücken
Referent/in: Owen Lewis
Physiotherapeut, Fachlehrer Kinesis Myofascial Integration(KMI) School, Großbritannien
Gebühr: 470,00 € zzgl. 19% Mwst / Sonderpreis/ Special price 1.250,00 € zzgl. Mwst. bei Belegung der gesamten Reihe Born to walk, Born to move und Move to integrate.
Bei Buchung des Moduls Born to move (13.-15.05.22) besteht die Möglichkeit den gleichnamigen Online-Kurs mit 50% Rabatt zu belegen.
Die Preise verstehen sich inkl. der Lernhilfen (Arbeitsunterlagen und Zugang zu Videounterstützung)/ see below: learning aids
Der Unterricht erfolgt in englischer Sprache – Übersetzungshilfe steht zur Verfügung.
Fortbildungspunkte: 30
Walking is one of the most common daily functions, but one of the least understood biomechanically. To understand anatomy the therapist must first understand function.

In this workshop we analyse the mechanics of efficient gait, looking at the chain of movement events from the feet to the spine and into the shoulders. Upon completing this course you will have the tools to understand true, real-life movement and how to correct faulty patterns.

Based on the well research and well received text of the same name, this workshop is designed to help the therapist understand functional anatomy. In this workshop we analyse the mechanics of efficient gait, looking at the chain of movement events from the feet to the spine and into the shoulders. We explore how gravity and momentum work in concert with joints and the fascial and myofascial tissue to improve proprioceptive communication, muscle firing, and collagenous tissue recoil.

You will come away with the tools to investigate, analyse and intervene in non-pathological walking. We will explore the many ways in which collagenous tissues assist movement efficiency and then learn how to build a personalised movement program to improve your clients’ gait.

Workshop Format:
The workshop will be split into roughly equal time on

  • Presentation of the underlying principles
  • Interactive Postural and Functional Movement Analysis
  • Learning functional movement interventions and assessments to explore how your client uses their body

This course helps you:

  • Assess your client’s postural and movement patterns with greater accuracy
  • Analyse the normal motion of the spine
  • Understand the connections and correcting mechanisms between the pelvis and the feet
  • Assess the feet and their role in shock absorption
  • Relate textbook anatomy to your client’s actual movement patterns Apply Myofascial Slings & Robert Schleip’s Fascial Fitness in function Effectively identify and correct your client’s faulty movement patterns

Course Objectives:

  • Present an introduction to the geometry/character of the connective tissue, to understand fascial and anatomical links through the body & the sequence of events through the joints in normal gait.
  • Supply you with an understanding of fascial recoil and the roles of mechanoreceptors in the myofascia.
  • To fully appreciate the significance of tensegrity of fascia and human movement.
  • Let you explore what switches on the ‘core’, what really corrects pronation, why we flex our elbows to run, and many more functional connections and interactions.
  • Give you the tools to apply various gait assessments and then construct alternative movement strategies to help unwind and resolve compromised patterns.
  • Providing you with a fun, relaxed, informative and empowering experience that you can implement the next day in clinic.

Learning Aids included: A fully illustrated manual outlines the principles and techniques. Participants also receive access to video content to review and expand on the techniques demonstrated during the workshop.


11. März 2022
13. März 2022


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